Negotiation and Influence


This is to record a discussion with my director on negotiation and influence.

Unfortunately, I can not recover all the discussions with him. Moving forward, if I find some discuss or advice very useful, I will need to write them down fully. Here are just some pieces:

  • Improve negotiation skill and influence skill

  • understand where they are coming from
    • why you think this is so important
    • five whys
  • if you do not agree but does not know what to say, you can say “I will come back to you”, and get back with arguments that you want to make.
    • perspective… that is the right thing to do… disagree…
    • write it down before you talk to person
      • or you can choose to send the email
  • give yourself space to do things, and you can find others/ your teammates to check the arguments you want to make

He recommended two books to me:

  • “Getting to Yes”, I will read “Never Split the Difference” instead.
  • “Influence”

His another suggestion is to create quick designs if you find any problems you want to resolve, and send it over to others for review.